Ultra-thin surface-mounted track
Ultra-thin surface-mounted track Surface-mount technology is a method of manufacturing electronic circuits in which components are mounted or placed directly on the surface of printed circuit boards. A surface-mount device (SMD)...
Energized copper strip: 0.8 thick flat copper excessive current
Material/Process: Aluminum Profile
Dust cover: includes dust cover
Size : L1000*26*H10
Ultra-thin surface-mounted track
Surface-mount technology is a method of manufacturing electronic circuits in which components are mounted or placed directly on the surface of printed circuit boards. A surface-mount device (SMD) is an electrical device manufactured in this manner. It has mainly superseded the through-hole technology building approach of inserting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board in the industry. Both technologies can be utilised on the same board, with through-hole technology employed for components such as large transformers and heat-sinked power semiconductors that are not suited for surface mounting.Product Specification of Ultra-thin surface-mounted track
Surface treatment: lamp body advanced sandblasting white/sand blackEnergized copper strip: 0.8 thick flat copper excessive current
Material/Process: Aluminum Profile
Dust cover: includes dust cover
Size : L1000*26*H10

Ultra-thin surface-mounted track